I learned that, unlike popular belief, they have a great education system and that life on the reserve is easier and more enjoyable than in the city, as people don't stare at you just because you are a Native. They also play many sports, just like us, and similar to the play, The Rez Sisters, Bingo is very popular on their reserve. Furthermore, they don't like going to the city as they have had bad experiences there, such as having non-natives question them more or keep their distance, and noticing some of their own people stuck in poverty. Finally I learned that they still do practice their culture, like attending ceremonies and powwows, and even rain dances.
What I liked about the Mystery Skype was that the students of Wikmemikong were very friendly and finding out that they had a lot of the same interests that we did. I also liked how I learned more about the life on a reserve, and that it is much different than what stereotypes make you believe. It was also interesting to find out that they do enjoy life on the reserve, contrary to the stereotype also.
What I felt needed to be improved from the Mystery Skype call was to spend more time on the interview component of the call rather than spend a lot of time figuring out where the other class is located. I also felt we could've been more organized as most people abandoned their roles as soon as the call started.
Overall, the Mystery Skype was an enjoyable experience, and I learned a lot about Native culture that disproved many stereotypes.